
Chase that rock down the ice!!

As I was getting to the punch line of my not-so-funny story the other day over lunch, I simply said "Yes, I watched curling on tv for 2 hours the other morning!" At this very moment, my mom had one of those moments where you laugh and you do not know what to do because your mouth is full of sandwich... Rather than choking and not laughing, she decided it would be best to spray her chewed up sandwich all over the table! As usual, I was confused. What in the world could have been so funny that caused her to spray food all over everything and everyone?? Did someone trip and fall? Did she think of a funny joke someone told her the other day? What could it be??

After she composed herself, she informed me that the night before, when she was flipping through the channels she noticed curling on television and thought to herself, who on earth would sit and watch this?! Oh man she doesn't know me all that well I suppose.

Many have asked why? To that, I am not sure that I have an answer... I mean, after I sorta figured the game out, I had to see who would win. Several days later, I am still tuning in every morning to see the latest. But here is what I learned this morning: Apparently there 12.9 Million hits on the US Olympic Curling Team website in one day this past week. That right there says something!! (possibly that I am not the only loser in the USA) THEN- On NBC Nightly News they had a quick segment about it (I will put the link at the bottom of this blog)- but basically, President George W. Bush watches Curling also. Now for those of you non-bush fans, I don't want to hear anything. But for those of you who like him, I want you to see how awesome it is that I am watching the same thing as the President of the United States is watching!! (I wonder if he watches 24 also?!?!)

Anyway, I just wanted to stress to those of you who don't appreciate this random game as much as I do, that it can be kinda cool. I mean, there must be some serious strategy to it. If anything, its gotta be kinda cool to learn how to walk with one slippy shoe and one grippy shoe! Seriously, the skill it must take those people to scurry down the ice chasing a stone with a sweeper in their hand... man. haha

Okay- to finish off- go to this link and skip ahead to the 16 minute mark. There is about a minute and a half about curling, including one of the most amazing european commercials! Enjoy! http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?f=00&t=m5&p=angietest&g=db3e343d-51e6-468d-9ba9-520fe0aa38bd

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