jmu angel kisses: perhaps a topic for a blog?

At approximately 7:32 this morning I rushed out of bed like a kid on christmas morning, but ran straight to my computer instead of a tree, to see what kind of present Dr. Rose, not santa, had left me. To my dismay it wasn't much of a present.... but simply a one hour delay in response to the 5 inches of snow that was piled on top of my truck. Size of the present is not what matters... Its the thought that counts. (Or atleast thats what I thought!) Eh, so trying the optimist thing I figured hey- live it up... its snow and it is beautiful! So I grabbed my backpack, my keys, and my camera and headed out about an hour before my class started.
For those of you who have not seen stonegate... you are missing out. Ha. Not really. But I live at the top of the hill that slightly resembles the "Cliffhanger" mountain on Price is Right... you know the one where the y-o-d-l-e-r (there is a reason for the -'s... you know who you are if you understand that! b-a-r-k-e-r!) Anways- you know where the yodler is hiking up the hill and has that castistrophic fall if the contestant doesnt guess the right price? My hill is as steep as that mountain, and this morning i was cursing the contestant who kept getting the price of a coffee maker or little debbie oatmeal cookies.
The first fall was a definetly one similar to the style of when a cartoon character slips on a banana peel. Both feet. Straight out and up in the air. Arms waving in a circular motion trying to catch my balance of the nonexistent railings. I slid about 2 or 3 feet off of that fall as one girl just stood and watched.
The second fall was my personal favorite. Much less painful than the first. Right before this one I thought I could out smart mother nature... I walked to the bottom of the yodlers mountain, avoiding the foothill that I needed to get across. With a small, two foot, hill in between the roads I decided to make a jump for it, with only one step in the snow. And logically here, you would think snow would be safer than ice. Oh my friend did mother nature pull your leg once more! Ha- she really pulled mine- right out from under me. But this time, instead of falling on my tailbone and sliding, for some reason it turned into a full on barrel roll! I got up, not injured, but completely covered in snow, and proceeded to dig my suv out of winter hibernation.
Now... the moral of the story you may be thinking? There are a few.
- It really isnt the thought that counts when it comes to giving gifts.... Had Dr. Rose not been so chinsy with his gift... and had stepped it up and thrown in that extra hour... I would not have tobogganed down Mt. Cliffhanger as Rod was yelling "COME ON DOWN!"
- Giving appropriate gifts this time of year are very important. As we learned from Dr. Rose's mistake... if you dont give the perfect gift, someone might end up hurt.
- On a side note... when shopping for gifts... it is also important to remember... don't spend other people's money. Its not nice.
- Lastly, I want to propose a new way of living this winter season. Next time I am trying to walk to the bottom of the hill, I may just give up on the feet, and go with any fun lovin' six year old's solution.... Slip and Slide. (subtract the swimsuit... but add the snow clothes!)
Now my friends, it is time for me to snuggle in for a long winters nap, right next to the heating pad and alot of pillows!
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