I woke up this morning to a true winter wonderland. Although, it reminded me a little bit of the game CandyLand, in the top right corner of the old version of the board, there was that princess who was all white and was in charge of the frosting... it looked like she had made a little visit to Harrisonburg overnight and covered everything in ice. It only took me about 40 minutes to break the 3/4 inch thick ice off of my truck, cut my hand, and skate down the stonegate 1805 steps a few times. However, there was just something great about taking a piece of ice that was the exact shape as my sideview mirror and smashing it on the ground! Almost like a "Take that Winter!" or "You suck Stonegate!" It was kind of invigorating!
Loading all my stuff up to get home was fun.... When I tried to hold on to the hand rail, not only did my feet slip, but my hand slipped too due to the ice that molded itself onto the railing. As I let go, the circle of ice shot off the railing, very similar to the scene in "Christmas Vacation" where the icicle shot off the Griswald's house, broke the neighbors window and ruined the stereo... "Something had to break the window, something had to ruin the stereo... well I DON'T KNOW MARGOOOO" Ha.
Any whooooo, I eventually got packed up. My truck looking like a closet with clothes, shoes, and christmas presents scattered everywhere. It was difficult to pack for this break... One suitcase for warm tropical weather, and the other(s)... for the nasty winter crap.
Taking off tomorrow for Disney World, directly followed by a cruise to the Bahamas. I am pretty darn excited about Disney though... MY DAD IS GOING WITH US!! Its gonna kinda be like a family vacation! :) First one in a lonnnngggg time! And I am sure this one will be great- because NYC was HORRIBLE... so there is no possible way this trip could be any worse. :)
So I will keep ya posted on how that trip goes, in the mean time, let me leave you with this:
Stay warm, and when you can't... think of me. As of tuesday I will be on an island drinking fruity beverages hopefully getting a tan of some sort. :) (wow that was a little harsh... just kidding about that "think of me line"- I hope you just have a chai tea latte when you are cold! :) hehe) I be-jamin.
Any whooooo, I eventually got packed up. My truck looking like a closet with clothes, shoes, and christmas presents scattered everywhere. It was difficult to pack for this break... One suitcase for warm tropical weather, and the other(s)... for the nasty winter crap.
Taking off tomorrow for Disney World, directly followed by a cruise to the Bahamas. I am pretty darn excited about Disney though... MY DAD IS GOING WITH US!! Its gonna kinda be like a family vacation! :) First one in a lonnnngggg time! And I am sure this one will be great- because NYC was HORRIBLE... so there is no possible way this trip could be any worse. :)
So I will keep ya posted on how that trip goes, in the mean time, let me leave you with this:
Stay warm, and when you can't... think of me. As of tuesday I will be on an island drinking fruity beverages hopefully getting a tan of some sort. :) (wow that was a little harsh... just kidding about that "think of me line"- I hope you just have a chai tea latte when you are cold! :) hehe) I be-jamin.

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