Simply stated, I love how God works.
Today 10 of us went to the Union Mission in Norfolk, Va to serve the homeless folks dinner. I really did not know what to expect before I went into it. But it was a good experience, something I definitely want to do again sometime.
The "team" of us that went in there worked so well together! My whole family was there, as well as Jean and Lou (god mothers), and then Leslie's friend Ashley (kinda like another little sister), Caitlin (my friend since... 1st grade!!), Jeff (a friend from church), and Amanda (my roomie- please see the blog from December 12th to learn more about her). We all got down there and really meshed together. Our first task was to prepare things in the kitchen. Everyone had their certain jobs and it went really well. While my mom cut the frozen solid cakes, Jeff and I put them on plates, Leslie put them on trays, Amanda carried them, Caitlin wrapped them. If Dr T would be reading this, I would have to say we were quite the scientifically run organization! It was great working with everyone for a good cause.
At 5pm the first group of people came to eat. There were about 150 men and a couple women, who are all staying at the Union Mission, most of them sleeping on the floor though. While we were finishing up the preparations, I was looking to see what everyone in our team was doing. Most of us were just hanging out, then I noticed Jeff was out there talking to people. It was great! Eventually I made it out from the kitchen to put crackers on the table. I am pretty shy when it comes up to walking up to people and just chatting, but God works in crazy ways! I was wearing my livestrong and marc broussard bracelet and one man came up to me and asked if I got them at Heaven and Earth. I said no, but it lead to me briefly talking to him about the Bible and Jesus (who he referred to as "some guy he heard alot about") I don't know if my quick little chat with him made any kind of difference or anything, but it was cool to just talk to him about how wonderful Jesus is. Funny how God used my bracelets to attract a man from across the room, to talk about the Bible. Way to go God, way to go.
The feeding frenzy started, we all divided up into random serving jobs and before we knew it, everyone was eating, and most of the food was gone. The first group of people are only given 30 minutes to get their food and eat it. Most of them were extremely grateful and friendly. It tore me up to see that some people were my age... well, atleast under 30. What could have happened in these people's lives that have caused them to rely on free, gross looking food three times a day? As Jeff said, it really makes you appreciate your college education. After shaking hands with some of those men, who were so excited to meet me and learn my name, I thought to myself, I wonder what his story is? I wonder if he knows Jesus? I wonder if he has a family, if so, where are they? One man asked me if I had a Merry Christmas, I answered yes! And asked him the same. As it was coming out of my mouth... I kind of hesitated... but it was already out there. I mean, he is homeless. Do you ask someone who has nothing, if they had a Merry Christmas? But that is when you remember, like it was stated in the Grinch Who Stole Christmas- "It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags!.... Maybe Christmas is a little bit more..." The man smiled at me and said, Yes, I had a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for asking! :)
We cleaned up the kitchen, swept around the tables, and set up for the second round of people. At 6pm, Union Mission workers came through the line. This time everything was mostly self serve. They were not as desperate for the food, yet they were. This group was alot more quiet. They had the assurance that there would be food, while for the first group it was a wild card as to whether or not there would be enough food to go around.
We cleaned up the kitchen one final time. We put away all the left over condiments. And then, I went to help Jean put away some of the extra food, which was almost a full tray of bean soup. (which looked disgusting, but these people didn't care. it was a warm meal, and thats all that mattered to them.) But she was pouring all that bean soup into the trash. Part of me really cannot understand that. I mean, the first group of people were waiting on the street before we arrived. They came in. They ate. And after 30 minutes they were rushed out without much time to sit and enjoy their food. It was no european style eating establishment... it was more like a McDonalds on crack or something! But my question is, is why couldnt we have given all that soup to someone? I am sure that there was someone staying with that ministry that could have gone for seconds, or even thirds of that nasty bean soup! Why throw it in the trash?! Oh well I guess. I won't take the critical approach tonight... I will just go with the flow.
So anyway, let me just leave you with a couple of last words. This was quite the experience that I should really sit down and ponder for a little while. I am sure that there is so much that could be learned from it. Mostly though, I am sure the moral of this story is to count your blessings and love God. He will not leave you high and dry. While those men had next to nothing, some were carrying all their belongings in a brown food lion bag, the ones who were open about following Christ had smiles on their faces and love in their hearts. The obvious did not seem to matter to them right then... where I live, what kind of car I drive, what kind of job my parents have... none of that mattered. What mattered was that we were friendly faces providing them with food, and a little hope, to get them through their tough times.
We went there to make a difference in the lives of a few homeless people, while in the end, maybe they were the ones who made the difference in our lives. Pray for those people who are living less than 15 minutes away from here, who do not have a home, and who are sleeping on the floors of the Union Mission tonight.
Cruisin' the Seas
Okay... so cruise number two of my life... done. I definitely saw my fair share of the Sea... all 12 feet of the waves that were attacking our Royal Caribbean ship! The first cruise I went on, I could not even tell that I was on a ship. This one... oh boy was the ship rockin' the entire trip! I have been off the ship for about 12 hours now, but I am still swaying!!
After my dad went home, my mom, sister and I met up with my cousin Katie and my aunt for a four day cruise to the Bahamas. The first day was spent on the ship, which was decorated for the holidays. I heard more christmas music in those four days than I have heard in all the Christmas's of my life added together!! haha. Now I thought airports were a great place to people watch.... cruise ships win though! People are running in all different directions having no idea where to go or what to do! You hear lots of screaming kids, college aged people talking about how wasted they are, several fun different accents, with a few clueless elderly folks thrown in there.
The second day we went to "Coco Cay" This is the private island that Royal Caribbean owns. It was chilly and drizzily. Which was really dissappointing. However I did have a Bahama Mama at about 10AM... so that helped. I will have to insert a picture here... to show you the stormy weather we experienced, instead of the happy and sunny bahama weather.
Day three was spent in Nassau, Bahamas. We headed to Atlantis... which in my mind IS the HAPPIST PLACE ON EARTH. The second I saw it, all the fun times that jess and I spent there came back, and I was homesick for one of my best friends. Aw geez... Jess we HAVE to go back there together!! We took the water taxi back to Nassau, and did a quick shopping tour. As we lined back up to get on the ship, the sky began to fall and we got soaked!! Anyway... we spent some time that night enjoying the ship and the whole nine yards. It was alot of fun!
The biggest thing that I got out of the cruise trip was looking at the cruise staff. Yes, it was great to see the job that the activities director has... that looks like fun. But when you look at the wait staff, and the "state room attendants" and you talk to them, and you hear their stories, it just seems so sad to me. We heard stories from our waiters about how they basically work 24/7 for six months straight. They have families at home that they do not get to talk to very often. They have girlfriends/ boyfriends that are at home or on the opposite side of the world. They are not allowed to enjoy any of the fun aspects of the enormous cruise ship that the guests get to enjoy. Obviously they are not allowed to "mingle" with guests, but from my point of view, it is just so sad to "befriend" someone and then never ever see them again.
We got to hear the stories of Santan (our waiter) and Geza (our assistant waiter) and we really got to know these men. I don't know if they act friendly to all of their guests, but I really feel like we got to know them. The waiters all do a little song and dance thing on the last night, and Geza and Santan waved and everything right to our table... It amazes me how big of a difference you can make by just taking a minute or two and talking to people. Instead of asking Geza what kind of roll we were about to eat, but asking him where he was from, if he has family at home, and to hear him talk about his girlfriend that lives in Germany. This morning, we went to breakfast at 7AM, and were greeted by Geza, who had a huge smile when he saw us and was saying "GOOD MORNING LADIES!" You know that look that someone has when you know they just need a hug, and they will be okay? When we said goodbye to Geza, I felt like I should run up and hug him, just to help him get through the next few months of loneliness. Especially this week... he said they do not have any kind of church services regularly, but there might be something special that will happen this week because it is Christmas.
The moral of this story is that we are all human beings. We all share the same kind of feelings. Give everyone a chance. Take time out of your busy day, and ask other people questions. Learn about their lives. Naturally, people like to talk about themselves. Especially if they are lonely. So just take a second... ask some questions... and "fill their bucket!" Because when you fill someone else's bucket, you fill your bucket in return!
I would love to do a "behind the scenes/true life: i work on a cruise ship" and interview and talk to the "help" on these ships. So many different people, so many different cultures, so many different nationalities, so many stories. In reality, no one is better than anyone else. Yes, they may have the job of waiting on us hand and foot, but we are all God's children, we are all equal.
As I was leaving the ship, I was thinking to myself, I wonder if what we said to any of these men made any kind of difference. I wonder if they will ever think about any of us ever again. They remembered exactly what we had to eat and drink the night before, will they ever think back on us? On something we said to them? On the garden gnome that they took a picture with? I wonder if Daio our "Stateroom Attendant" will keep the "Thanks for your great job and Happy Holidays!" note that we left for him.
Like it was said at the Farewell Show, there were about 60 different nationalities getting along together on that ship without drama or war. Why can't we all get along together in the real world?
After my dad went home, my mom, sister and I met up with my cousin Katie and my aunt for a four day cruise to the Bahamas. The first day was spent on the ship, which was decorated for the holidays. I heard more christmas music in those four days than I have heard in all the Christmas's of my life added together!! haha. Now I thought airports were a great place to people watch.... cruise ships win though! People are running in all different directions having no idea where to go or what to do! You hear lots of screaming kids, college aged people talking about how wasted they are, several fun different accents, with a few clueless elderly folks thrown in there.
The second day we went to "Coco Cay" This is the private island that Royal Caribbean owns. It was chilly and drizzily. Which was really dissappointing. However I did have a Bahama Mama at about 10AM... so that helped. I will have to insert a picture here... to show you the stormy weather we experienced, instead of the happy and sunny bahama weather.
Day three was spent in Nassau, Bahamas. We headed to Atlantis... which in my mind IS the HAPPIST PLACE ON EARTH. The second I saw it, all the fun times that jess and I spent there came back, and I was homesick for one of my best friends. Aw geez... Jess we HAVE to go back there together!! We took the water taxi back to Nassau, and did a quick shopping tour. As we lined back up to get on the ship, the sky began to fall and we got soaked!! Anyway... we spent some time that night enjoying the ship and the whole nine yards. It was alot of fun!
The biggest thing that I got out of the cruise trip was looking at the cruise staff. Yes, it was great to see the job that the activities director has... that looks like fun. But when you look at the wait staff, and the "state room attendants" and you talk to them, and you hear their stories, it just seems so sad to me. We heard stories from our waiters about how they basically work 24/7 for six months straight. They have families at home that they do not get to talk to very often. They have girlfriends/ boyfriends that are at home or on the opposite side of the world. They are not allowed to enjoy any of the fun aspects of the enormous cruise ship that the guests get to enjoy. Obviously they are not allowed to "mingle" with guests, but from my point of view, it is just so sad to "befriend" someone and then never ever see them again.
We got to hear the stories of Santan (our waiter) and Geza (our assistant waiter) and we really got to know these men. I don't know if they act friendly to all of their guests, but I really feel like we got to know them. The waiters all do a little song and dance thing on the last night, and Geza and Santan waved and everything right to our table... It amazes me how big of a difference you can make by just taking a minute or two and talking to people. Instead of asking Geza what kind of roll we were about to eat, but asking him where he was from, if he has family at home, and to hear him talk about his girlfriend that lives in Germany. This morning, we went to breakfast at 7AM, and were greeted by Geza, who had a huge smile when he saw us and was saying "GOOD MORNING LADIES!" You know that look that someone has when you know they just need a hug, and they will be okay? When we said goodbye to Geza, I felt like I should run up and hug him, just to help him get through the next few months of loneliness. Especially this week... he said they do not have any kind of church services regularly, but there might be something special that will happen this week because it is Christmas.
The moral of this story is that we are all human beings. We all share the same kind of feelings. Give everyone a chance. Take time out of your busy day, and ask other people questions. Learn about their lives. Naturally, people like to talk about themselves. Especially if they are lonely. So just take a second... ask some questions... and "fill their bucket!" Because when you fill someone else's bucket, you fill your bucket in return!
I would love to do a "behind the scenes/true life: i work on a cruise ship" and interview and talk to the "help" on these ships. So many different people, so many different cultures, so many different nationalities, so many stories. In reality, no one is better than anyone else. Yes, they may have the job of waiting on us hand and foot, but we are all God's children, we are all equal.
As I was leaving the ship, I was thinking to myself, I wonder if what we said to any of these men made any kind of difference. I wonder if they will ever think about any of us ever again. They remembered exactly what we had to eat and drink the night before, will they ever think back on us? On something we said to them? On the garden gnome that they took a picture with? I wonder if Daio our "Stateroom Attendant" will keep the "Thanks for your great job and Happy Holidays!" note that we left for him.
Like it was said at the Farewell Show, there were about 60 different nationalities getting along together on that ship without drama or war. Why can't we all get along together in the real world?
The Happiest Place on Earth
Two Words for you: Disney. World. The happiest place on earth.... :)
We arrived in Orlando, and I immediately made a fool of myself. When asked by an airport official what flight I just came in on, I happily announce to him that I just flew in from Orlando. My face turned red, my family made fun of me (for about 24 hours), and we continued the family vacation.
What is the first thing you think of when you hear Disney World? Mickey Mouse? No. Minnie? No. Pirates of the Caribbean? Almost but not quite. How about lines? YES. Lines in Disney are as prevelant as sorority girls at JMU. They are all over the place. The second you walk into that world you are surrounded by them! We were in the airport, and standing in line just to get on the bus to go to our hotel. My dad made a point to announce to us that as he looked around he noticed that Leslie and I were the two biggest kids there with their parents. Yep, thats right folks. Amongst all these 5, 6, 7, and 8 year olds was a 21 year old and a 17 year old. Oh but we fit in better than some of those kids did!
Disney was fun. I would definitely say that my family took on Disney like the Griswald family would have if "Disney Vacation" with Chevy Chase was ever created. We conquered all four Disney Parks in a day and a half. Now if that is not a world record then I do not know what is!! There were only two rides out of all four parks that we did not make it to, but other than that.... it was quite a whirl-winded adventure. The only thing I think I might go back and change if I could... would be the bratwurst I at at Epcot which was directly followed by Mission Space (a ride where Leslie swears she felt 100 Gs. haha crazy kid).
The Christmas Celebration at Magic Kingdom was fun. It "snowed" on the main street... although the snow slightly resembled soap suds, and it kinda smelled lemony fresh. Despite the fake snow, it really felt like it could have been cold enough for real snow. Who woulda thought that people in Florida actually have to own scarves and hats and gloves. I had to give in and buy the mickey mouse santa hat simply to keep my head warm. Plus, all the little kids had them... and someone from our family had to step it up!
So yes, no matter what time of the year, what the weather is, or how many strollers almost run you over... Disney... yes it is one of the happiest places on earth... however... more or less, I would have to say that Disney World is one of the most exhausting places on earth!
We arrived in Orlando, and I immediately made a fool of myself. When asked by an airport official what flight I just came in on, I happily announce to him that I just flew in from Orlando. My face turned red, my family made fun of me (for about 24 hours), and we continued the family vacation.
What is the first thing you think of when you hear Disney World? Mickey Mouse? No. Minnie? No. Pirates of the Caribbean? Almost but not quite. How about lines? YES. Lines in Disney are as prevelant as sorority girls at JMU. They are all over the place. The second you walk into that world you are surrounded by them! We were in the airport, and standing in line just to get on the bus to go to our hotel. My dad made a point to announce to us that as he looked around he noticed that Leslie and I were the two biggest kids there with their parents. Yep, thats right folks. Amongst all these 5, 6, 7, and 8 year olds was a 21 year old and a 17 year old. Oh but we fit in better than some of those kids did!
Disney was fun. I would definitely say that my family took on Disney like the Griswald family would have if "Disney Vacation" with Chevy Chase was ever created. We conquered all four Disney Parks in a day and a half. Now if that is not a world record then I do not know what is!! There were only two rides out of all four parks that we did not make it to, but other than that.... it was quite a whirl-winded adventure. The only thing I think I might go back and change if I could... would be the bratwurst I at at Epcot which was directly followed by Mission Space (a ride where Leslie swears she felt 100 Gs. haha crazy kid).
The Christmas Celebration at Magic Kingdom was fun. It "snowed" on the main street... although the snow slightly resembled soap suds, and it kinda smelled lemony fresh. Despite the fake snow, it really felt like it could have been cold enough for real snow. Who woulda thought that people in Florida actually have to own scarves and hats and gloves. I had to give in and buy the mickey mouse santa hat simply to keep my head warm. Plus, all the little kids had them... and someone from our family had to step it up!
So yes, no matter what time of the year, what the weather is, or how many strollers almost run you over... Disney... yes it is one of the happiest places on earth... however... more or less, I would have to say that Disney World is one of the most exhausting places on earth!
The moving sidewalk story
Well Well Well. It has been quite some time since my last blog. So let me kick it back up. I am going to write a few on the past week and its adventures. (Depending on how I feel after I write one or so...)
So lets get things started with the airport. It has been well established that I love to watch people in airports. Right when we get to Norfolk airport, the people-watching began. We crossed the moving sidewalk and were waiting for the elevator and all of a sudden, a family of 5 or so came flying off the moving sidewalk. No seriously, they flew off. The first child, probably about 4 years old shot off the end and fell down. Right behind him was dad. Dad stopped short and tried to help him up, when right behind him two other small children shot off and hit their dad! It was a pile of about 4 people at the end of the moving sidewalk!! Now... my family... being the nice, helpful, christian family we are... what do we do...?? Bust out laughing! What a way to start a family vacation... laughing at other families! Nothing beats seeing a pile of people at the end of a moving sidewalk, three kids screaming and crying, the father trying to help the kids up, and the mom yelling at the dad.... oh geez, how I love watching people in airports.
So lets get things started with the airport. It has been well established that I love to watch people in airports. Right when we get to Norfolk airport, the people-watching began. We crossed the moving sidewalk and were waiting for the elevator and all of a sudden, a family of 5 or so came flying off the moving sidewalk. No seriously, they flew off. The first child, probably about 4 years old shot off the end and fell down. Right behind him was dad. Dad stopped short and tried to help him up, when right behind him two other small children shot off and hit their dad! It was a pile of about 4 people at the end of the moving sidewalk!! Now... my family... being the nice, helpful, christian family we are... what do we do...?? Bust out laughing! What a way to start a family vacation... laughing at other families! Nothing beats seeing a pile of people at the end of a moving sidewalk, three kids screaming and crying, the father trying to help the kids up, and the mom yelling at the dad.... oh geez, how I love watching people in airports.
Dear Big Ron, (and other readers)
Dear Big Ron... aka Mr Spivey,
It has been brought to my attention that you read, and enjoyed my blogs. Thank you for that. Amanda said that you might even subscribe to my blog... which really excites me, however I do not know what it means to "subscribe" to anyone's blog. Good Luck with that. haha.
To Mr Spivey and any other readers I might have:
Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any specific topics you would like me to cover. And- you should sign that guest book thing, whatever it is. I would really like to know if anyone actually reads this! Other than the few people I force to read it! :) hehe
Suz :)
It has been brought to my attention that you read, and enjoyed my blogs. Thank you for that. Amanda said that you might even subscribe to my blog... which really excites me, however I do not know what it means to "subscribe" to anyone's blog. Good Luck with that. haha.
To Mr Spivey and any other readers I might have:
Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any specific topics you would like me to cover. And- you should sign that guest book thing, whatever it is. I would really like to know if anyone actually reads this! Other than the few people I force to read it! :) hehe
Suz :)
A plethrea of comments
I woke up this morning to a true winter wonderland. Although, it reminded me a little bit of the game CandyLand, in the top right corner of the old version of the board, there was that princess who was all white and was in charge of the frosting... it looked like she had made a little visit to Harrisonburg overnight and covered everything in ice. It only took me about 40 minutes to break the 3/4 inch thick ice off of my truck, cut my hand, and skate down the stonegate 1805 steps a few times. However, there was just something great about taking a piece of ice that was the exact shape as my sideview mirror and smashing it on the ground! Almost like a "Take that Winter!" or "You suck Stonegate!" It was kind of invigorating!
Loading all my stuff up to get home was fun.... When I tried to hold on to the hand rail, not only did my feet slip, but my hand slipped too due to the ice that molded itself onto the railing. As I let go, the circle of ice shot off the railing, very similar to the scene in "Christmas Vacation" where the icicle shot off the Griswald's house, broke the neighbors window and ruined the stereo... "Something had to break the window, something had to ruin the stereo... well I DON'T KNOW MARGOOOO" Ha.
Any whooooo, I eventually got packed up. My truck looking like a closet with clothes, shoes, and christmas presents scattered everywhere. It was difficult to pack for this break... One suitcase for warm tropical weather, and the other(s)... for the nasty winter crap.
Taking off tomorrow for Disney World, directly followed by a cruise to the Bahamas. I am pretty darn excited about Disney though... MY DAD IS GOING WITH US!! Its gonna kinda be like a family vacation! :) First one in a lonnnngggg time! And I am sure this one will be great- because NYC was HORRIBLE... so there is no possible way this trip could be any worse. :)
So I will keep ya posted on how that trip goes, in the mean time, let me leave you with this:
Stay warm, and when you can't... think of me. As of tuesday I will be on an island drinking fruity beverages hopefully getting a tan of some sort. :) (wow that was a little harsh... just kidding about that "think of me line"- I hope you just have a chai tea latte when you are cold! :) hehe) I be-jamin.
Any whooooo, I eventually got packed up. My truck looking like a closet with clothes, shoes, and christmas presents scattered everywhere. It was difficult to pack for this break... One suitcase for warm tropical weather, and the other(s)... for the nasty winter crap.
Taking off tomorrow for Disney World, directly followed by a cruise to the Bahamas. I am pretty darn excited about Disney though... MY DAD IS GOING WITH US!! Its gonna kinda be like a family vacation! :) First one in a lonnnngggg time! And I am sure this one will be great- because NYC was HORRIBLE... so there is no possible way this trip could be any worse. :)
So I will keep ya posted on how that trip goes, in the mean time, let me leave you with this:
Stay warm, and when you can't... think of me. As of tuesday I will be on an island drinking fruity beverages hopefully getting a tan of some sort. :) (wow that was a little harsh... just kidding about that "think of me line"- I hope you just have a chai tea latte when you are cold! :) hehe) I be-jamin.

Ask Jeeves: Who was the first person to ever write a blog? Hmmm....
After writing my last blog about Amanda and her blogging inspirations I think it is only appropriate for me to write a blog about my blogging inspirations.
First off, you must consider the person (or persons) who inspired me to begin blogging. One day I was randomly googling a quote and some girls blog popped up. I began reading her blog, and realized, "hey! i could do this! and maybe someone, somewhere in the world might read it!" So that was my true start. However there is a little twist to this inspiration. Tonight I watched "Hollywoods 50 cutest child actors, all grown up!" and basically relived my childhood. But I honestly have to say, that after watching that show, and recollecting on all my favorite shows from when I was a kid... I decided that it is only appropriate to dedicate this blog, to one of the first "bloggers" that ever existed. I had a crush on him for several seasons in the early '90s. He was a blond genious. He began and concluded every episode Carrie Bradshaw style, yet while his IQ was higher that Miss Bradshaw's, his writing topics were not quite as adult.... or were they? Well, if you haven't figured out who this is yet... let me just say, Here's to you Doogie Howers, MD.
As for the topics of this blog... I owe it to you. My friends, my family, fellow JMU-ers, and people who walk by me on the street. Ya gotta learn to observe the world around you, and put a happy spin on it. I mean, if we don't, who will? So- when you see someone chompin' on incandescent gum and it annoys you... smile and remember, it could be worse. It could smell like sour green apple too. Or when you bust your butt from falling down a "Mountain-like Hill" smile and think to yourself- someone might laugh... real hard... if they heard that you fell... TWICE! (then... write about it, even if you are a sucky writer like myself!)
So let me finish tonight, with a quote from Doogie's journal that we can all appreciate:
January 8, 1993
Living on my own has made me realize one simple thing: unlike the eagle that soars high through the majestic skies and the bear that burrows its way through endless seasons, my toilet won't clean itself.
You are a wise boy Doogie, a wissseeee.... man?
First off, you must consider the person (or persons) who inspired me to begin blogging. One day I was randomly googling a quote and some girls blog popped up. I began reading her blog, and realized, "hey! i could do this! and maybe someone, somewhere in the world might read it!" So that was my true start. However there is a little twist to this inspiration. Tonight I watched "Hollywoods 50 cutest child actors, all grown up!" and basically relived my childhood. But I honestly have to say, that after watching that show, and recollecting on all my favorite shows from when I was a kid... I decided that it is only appropriate to dedicate this blog, to one of the first "bloggers" that ever existed. I had a crush on him for several seasons in the early '90s. He was a blond genious. He began and concluded every episode Carrie Bradshaw style, yet while his IQ was higher that Miss Bradshaw's, his writing topics were not quite as adult.... or were they? Well, if you haven't figured out who this is yet... let me just say, Here's to you Doogie Howers, MD.
As for the topics of this blog... I owe it to you. My friends, my family, fellow JMU-ers, and people who walk by me on the street. Ya gotta learn to observe the world around you, and put a happy spin on it. I mean, if we don't, who will? So- when you see someone chompin' on incandescent gum and it annoys you... smile and remember, it could be worse. It could smell like sour green apple too. Or when you bust your butt from falling down a "Mountain-like Hill" smile and think to yourself- someone might laugh... real hard... if they heard that you fell... TWICE! (then... write about it, even if you are a sucky writer like myself!)
So let me finish tonight, with a quote from Doogie's journal that we can all appreciate:
January 8, 1993
Living on my own has made me realize one simple thing: unlike the eagle that soars high through the majestic skies and the bear that burrows its way through endless seasons, my toilet won't clean itself.
You are a wise boy Doogie, a wissseeee.... man?
I am not as inspiring as I thought I was... or am I??
A Blog about my roomie:
(but first... let me start out with this quote, which could be used as the thesis of this blog:)

Now... often times I am the one who is made fun of for giving in to dumb little trends... and then trying to talk my roomies into giving in also. (i.e. facebook and myspace). So last night I recieve an IM from ASpidancer aka AMANDA MY ROOMIE that shocked me! She was telling me that she was going to write a blog! Now... I want to believe that I was her true inspiration for this. Without the use of any of my persuasive skills that I have acquired for JMU's SCOM department (more specifically dr yoon... the little asian professor I kicked in the shin the other day)- anyway without the use of these persuasive skills, I managed to get Amanda to become a "Blogger" so to speak. How crazy is this?!
The more I continued to think about it, I realized that I was not her true inspiration. For those of you who do not have the privildge of living, or simply knowing Miss Amanda Spivey, let me give you a little background on this girl. *me being an expert since I have live with her for several years*
Born and raised in Smithfield, Virginia this 80s lovin, balerina went to a small school in which she played the saxafone. (Ha- this kinda sounds like one of those fill in the blank Mad Libs things doesnt it?!) Anyway, I met Amanda and got to live with her freshman year, along with our other roommate Bob. (for those of you who do not know, Bob is a ghost. Yes you read that right, Bob is a ghost.) We continued to be roomies sophomore year, even after I bubble wrapped her side of the room while she was gone for the weekend. :) Oh yeah, we also went on a quest together to see the Golden Girls house in Orlando Florida. That was a great time.... I got to see Amanda cut in front of little kids and almost take down Jafar and Disney World. Anyway, we continue to live together now... but in addition to loving Austin Power and Old Disney Movies, Amanda has developed a recent love... might I say addicition... for Marc Broussard. NOW here comes the point of this blog... Mr Broussard writes a blog.... which sadly Amanda subscribes to. Therefore, thanks to my amazing detective skills, dare I say that it was not me that inspired her to write her blog, but Mister Marc himself?!
Well folks... take it for what you will... but amanda has a couple of loves in her life... marc and me :) so maybe we both inspired her.
With that... let me say that YES Amanda DID write two blogs in ONE day... and YES she is a wonderful roomie despite her over use of her blog.
(just kidding smack dab- you can blog as often as you would like!) :)
PS. Here is a picture of Amanda at one of her craziest moments:
In Christ Alone
In Christ alone my heart is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
'Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final death
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
'Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final death
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
My name is Luck, this is my song
I happened by while you were gone, well...
I apologize that I could not stay
But I hope good things swing your way
I know they will... here's your horseshoe
So best of luck to you
For the stable running brave
From the cradle to the grave
This is my day, this is my song
I am alive... what can go wrong?
If we're on our way-oh, ok let me know
If we're on our way-oh, ok then, let's go
My name is Hope, Luck just ran out
He said he'd return, without a doubt
(ah, but don't you believe him!)
Oh, I happen to have a message from Love
She told me she knows what you've been dreaming of
My name is Hope, this is my song
When things go wrong
For the stable running brave
From the cradle to the grave
This is my day, this is my song
I am alive, what can go wrong?
If we're on our way-oh, ok let me know
If we're on our way-oh, ok then, let's go
Through the windswept countryside
Across the great divide
For the stable running brave
From the cradle to the grave
This is my day, this is my song
As long as I'm alive what can go wrong?
If we're on our way-oh, ok let me know
If we're on our way-oh, ok then, let's go
Carbon Leaf, This is my Song!
I happened by while you were gone, well...
I apologize that I could not stay
But I hope good things swing your way
I know they will... here's your horseshoe
So best of luck to you
For the stable running brave
From the cradle to the grave
This is my day, this is my song
I am alive... what can go wrong?
If we're on our way-oh, ok let me know
If we're on our way-oh, ok then, let's go
My name is Hope, Luck just ran out
He said he'd return, without a doubt
(ah, but don't you believe him!)
Oh, I happen to have a message from Love
She told me she knows what you've been dreaming of
My name is Hope, this is my song
When things go wrong
For the stable running brave
From the cradle to the grave
This is my day, this is my song
I am alive, what can go wrong?
If we're on our way-oh, ok let me know
If we're on our way-oh, ok then, let's go
Through the windswept countryside
Across the great divide
For the stable running brave
From the cradle to the grave
This is my day, this is my song
As long as I'm alive what can go wrong?
If we're on our way-oh, ok let me know
If we're on our way-oh, ok then, let's go
Carbon Leaf, This is my Song!
The tradgey of change
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." John 3:8
Oh boy. I hate change. Anyone who knows me, knows that I do not cope well when it comes to change. 146 days until graduation. Till life as I know it is over. How scary is that?! As I am thinking about Christmas break, and being home for three weeks, I am pondering, do I take stuff home with me? Now the average person would not... however my room is like a museum, or a giant scrapbook. I have stuff... EVERYWHERE. (and just as a side note, it is CLEAN today!)
Anyway, change. So I graduate, then what? Go home? Oh man. I have one word for you: Hickory. I love the area, but I just dont know. I hear a lil kc voice saying "you wanna go back to hickory?! what are you thinking?! Don't you remember we just wanted to get away from that place about four years ago?!" Oh man... how I remember. But where else would I or could I go? Plus... the area is nice, I am in love with the apartment I will hopefully move into next summer, and the river will be oh so close. And... I won't be that far from my college buddies. (especially if amanda and i live together.)
But ya know... It is so sad. This whole change thing. When you throw in the idea of moving away from the purple and yellow, and all the friends that have been made over the past four year, it is a crazy thought, but reality. I think about my parents and god mother... they are not really friends with any of their college buddies anymore. That just makes me so sad. But I guess everyone changes, and forms their own lives. I can already see it happening. Over the past six months I could name almost ten girls who have gotten engaged. Marriage is definetly in the air. Yet I cannot even find a nice guy to go to lunch with. I guess there are good things and bad things about this situation. I will be conquering the "real" world alone. Which is scary. However, no one cares about me or what I do, so it doesn't matter if I just up and leave, pick a new city, try out a new life.... who knows. Maybe move to europe and take some language classes or something. My aunt would love that one!
The more I think about it the more I get scared. But I have to keep telling myself that I am never truly alone. God has been and will always be with me. He will never let me down. Even when others do. Who knows where I will be a year from now when everyone else I know/ knew (which is sad but may be true) will be in grad school, planning weddings, living abroad, doing missions work, or working the job that their degree prepared them for. (maybe... if i coulda changed anything about college, i would have picked a degree that would guareentee me a job, or atleast provide me a job field to enter... i get to carry this lovely communications wildcard with me wherever i want to take it i suppose!)
Okay, well this was not a fun blog. I may think about something fun to write a lil later... just incase anyone actually reads these. I dont want to leave you hanging with the tradgey of change. But if you have any words of advice to leave me with... that would be greatly appreciated. :) And ps. lets not even get started on the idea of my budget! Ha!
Oh boy. I hate change. Anyone who knows me, knows that I do not cope well when it comes to change. 146 days until graduation. Till life as I know it is over. How scary is that?! As I am thinking about Christmas break, and being home for three weeks, I am pondering, do I take stuff home with me? Now the average person would not... however my room is like a museum, or a giant scrapbook. I have stuff... EVERYWHERE. (and just as a side note, it is CLEAN today!)
Anyway, change. So I graduate, then what? Go home? Oh man. I have one word for you: Hickory. I love the area, but I just dont know. I hear a lil kc voice saying "you wanna go back to hickory?! what are you thinking?! Don't you remember we just wanted to get away from that place about four years ago?!" Oh man... how I remember. But where else would I or could I go? Plus... the area is nice, I am in love with the apartment I will hopefully move into next summer, and the river will be oh so close. And... I won't be that far from my college buddies. (especially if amanda and i live together.)
But ya know... It is so sad. This whole change thing. When you throw in the idea of moving away from the purple and yellow, and all the friends that have been made over the past four year, it is a crazy thought, but reality. I think about my parents and god mother... they are not really friends with any of their college buddies anymore. That just makes me so sad. But I guess everyone changes, and forms their own lives. I can already see it happening. Over the past six months I could name almost ten girls who have gotten engaged. Marriage is definetly in the air. Yet I cannot even find a nice guy to go to lunch with. I guess there are good things and bad things about this situation. I will be conquering the "real" world alone. Which is scary. However, no one cares about me or what I do, so it doesn't matter if I just up and leave, pick a new city, try out a new life.... who knows. Maybe move to europe and take some language classes or something. My aunt would love that one!
The more I think about it the more I get scared. But I have to keep telling myself that I am never truly alone. God has been and will always be with me. He will never let me down. Even when others do. Who knows where I will be a year from now when everyone else I know/ knew (which is sad but may be true) will be in grad school, planning weddings, living abroad, doing missions work, or working the job that their degree prepared them for. (maybe... if i coulda changed anything about college, i would have picked a degree that would guareentee me a job, or atleast provide me a job field to enter... i get to carry this lovely communications wildcard with me wherever i want to take it i suppose!)
Okay, well this was not a fun blog. I may think about something fun to write a lil later... just incase anyone actually reads these. I dont want to leave you hanging with the tradgey of change. But if you have any words of advice to leave me with... that would be greatly appreciated. :) And ps. lets not even get started on the idea of my budget! Ha!
Slip and Slide!

jmu angel kisses: perhaps a topic for a blog?

At approximately 7:32 this morning I rushed out of bed like a kid on christmas morning, but ran straight to my computer instead of a tree, to see what kind of present Dr. Rose, not santa, had left me. To my dismay it wasn't much of a present.... but simply a one hour delay in response to the 5 inches of snow that was piled on top of my truck. Size of the present is not what matters... Its the thought that counts. (Or atleast thats what I thought!) Eh, so trying the optimist thing I figured hey- live it up... its snow and it is beautiful! So I grabbed my backpack, my keys, and my camera and headed out about an hour before my class started.
For those of you who have not seen stonegate... you are missing out. Ha. Not really. But I live at the top of the hill that slightly resembles the "Cliffhanger" mountain on Price is Right... you know the one where the y-o-d-l-e-r (there is a reason for the -'s... you know who you are if you understand that! b-a-r-k-e-r!) Anways- you know where the yodler is hiking up the hill and has that castistrophic fall if the contestant doesnt guess the right price? My hill is as steep as that mountain, and this morning i was cursing the contestant who kept getting the price of a coffee maker or little debbie oatmeal cookies.
The first fall was a definetly one similar to the style of when a cartoon character slips on a banana peel. Both feet. Straight out and up in the air. Arms waving in a circular motion trying to catch my balance of the nonexistent railings. I slid about 2 or 3 feet off of that fall as one girl just stood and watched.
The second fall was my personal favorite. Much less painful than the first. Right before this one I thought I could out smart mother nature... I walked to the bottom of the yodlers mountain, avoiding the foothill that I needed to get across. With a small, two foot, hill in between the roads I decided to make a jump for it, with only one step in the snow. And logically here, you would think snow would be safer than ice. Oh my friend did mother nature pull your leg once more! Ha- she really pulled mine- right out from under me. But this time, instead of falling on my tailbone and sliding, for some reason it turned into a full on barrel roll! I got up, not injured, but completely covered in snow, and proceeded to dig my suv out of winter hibernation.
Now... the moral of the story you may be thinking? There are a few.
- It really isnt the thought that counts when it comes to giving gifts.... Had Dr. Rose not been so chinsy with his gift... and had stepped it up and thrown in that extra hour... I would not have tobogganed down Mt. Cliffhanger as Rod was yelling "COME ON DOWN!"
- Giving appropriate gifts this time of year are very important. As we learned from Dr. Rose's mistake... if you dont give the perfect gift, someone might end up hurt.
- On a side note... when shopping for gifts... it is also important to remember... don't spend other people's money. Its not nice.
- Lastly, I want to propose a new way of living this winter season. Next time I am trying to walk to the bottom of the hill, I may just give up on the feet, and go with any fun lovin' six year old's solution.... Slip and Slide. (subtract the swimsuit... but add the snow clothes!)
Now my friends, it is time for me to snuggle in for a long winters nap, right next to the heating pad and alot of pillows!
The best days of our lives...

Here in this diary,
I write you visions of my summer.
It was the best I ever had.
There were choruses and sing-alongs,
and that unspoken feeling
of knowing that right now is all that matters.
All the nights we stayed up talking
listening to 80's songs;
and quoting lines from all those movies that we love.
It still brings a smile to my face.
I guess when it comes down to it...
Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up:
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters is just following your heart
and eventually you'll finally get it right.
Incandescent Gum
Okay, so here's the thing. You can be the nicest and studliest guy out there but if you are chompin on gum that is the color of a tennis ball before my dog gets a hold of it.... and it smells like a third grader the day after halloween, you seriously lose some cool points. If it were white, or possibly a blue color with the smell of wintergreen or pep-o-ment no worries.... but when I have to put sunglasses on to protect my eyes from what is equalvent to the sun stare... thats simply not healthy. So just keep that in mind next time you introduce yourself to a lady and you a popping neon bubbles. :)
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