
Seriously pondering change...

I have to say, that the best time to take a look at your life and ponder is right after some big change. Whether it be a graduation or a birthday; losing a friend or missing your buddies; the end of a season, or the beginning of a friendship; changing your job, or changing your underwear. Shall I explain? I shall.

I am not one for change. It has been awhile since I last wrote one of these blogs, partially because of all the changes that I have been faced with recently... the other part simply being that I have become pretty darn lazy. I am sure there is some kind of theory about how "with change comes _____." (You fill it in, because I know that for me, 75% of the time my answer is stress, anxiety, sadness). However recently I have began to realize that what fits into that blank is whatever I make fit into it. Rather than thinking about how difficult it might be, I need to think of it as a challenge. I've gotta make that glass be half full, if not more. Change is a scary thing, but its nothing that I can't handle... under certain circumstances. I've got to learn from my past. I've got to think about my future. I've got to constantly remind myself that Jesus loves me and He is not going to abandon me.

So lets break down the times in life when I recommend you take a quick look at your life.

Graduation or a birthday. Over the past several months I have realized that I cannot focus on what "I thought my life would be like by the time I graduated" but I have to look at what my "life is like now" now that I've graduated. There's a huge difference. When I was a kid I always imagined that when I "grew up" (probably meaning when I was in high school) that I would be outgoing, thin and beautiful with long blond hair, and (this was the important part of my mental image...) driving a red jeep wrangler out on the beach with it packed full of my friends. This never happened. And it's doubtful that it ever will... but by trying to live up to some unrealistic mental image or life plan that I had for myself, I always felt like I could never quite cut it. Just because what I expected and hoped would happen didn't, doesn't mean that I am not living what I am supposed to be doing.... I think alot of us tell ourselves that "By the time I'm 21 I will have ____. I want to have a successful job and family by the time I am __ years old." First off, its like clothing sizes... numbers should not matter. Secondly, we aren't in control of any of this. God must sit around and blatantly laugh at us, thinking "when are they going to get the memo that I have a plan for them, and the mental time line with society driven ideas is meaningless." You know, after I graduated from high school I figured that my future would consist of going off to college, figuring out my life, meeting a great guy (who by the way was quite a stud), graduating, having a job lined up, shortly followed by a ring on my finger. How wrong I was, but oh boy is that okay.

Losing a friend or missing some buddies. When you lose someone, whether its a grandparent passing away, a best friend moving away, breaking up with someone you are dating, or a friend getting lost in a super walmart... this is probably a good time to ponder your life. If I never took a second to ponder my life when my grandfather passed away I can't promise you that I would be the christian girl I am today. If I did not ponder and reestablish my life when one of my best friends moved across the country I probably would not be the quality friend that I am today. If I didn't ponder my life after getting burned in a relationship, then I probably would not respect and appreciate my friends and family who are loyal and loving towards me. "JMU prepared us to be all together one, but they didn't prepare us to go on our individual paths after four years" (quoting christen lawrence a few days after we graduated) I miss my college buddies like you cannot imagine, but I know that this change will be what I make it out to be. This is not the end of any of our friendships, and if anything, some of these relationships will grow stronger. But by "losing" my buddies and being thrown out of my jmu bubble I have realized alot. Alot about myself, my current friends, and what I look for in new friends.

The end of a season, the beginning of a friendship. Now these two have very little to do with each other, but I just liked how it flowed with the whole beginning and end thing... Anyways, the end of a season. Ya'll should know that I am a huge 24 fan. It is not uncommon for me to crack a lame 24 joke and think to myself "what would jack do?" :P By the time the end of the season rolls around, not only have I spent an entire day of my life watching television but I have to find something else to do between the hours of 9 and 10 PM on monday nights. Talk about change. Maybe now I can pick up a new hobby or find a new show. Live it up I suppose. I knew this day was coming, the day when Jack Bauer would not be there for my entertainment, but that doesn't make it any better I suppose. Okay so I had a point but that just became a random plug for the show 24... let me continue with "the beginning of a friendship." I can read people pretty well. Its a skill that I have fine tuned throughout my years. It has happened atleast three times in my life where I have met someone and immediately realized that this person is going to be important to me. Its pretty crazy, but I do like it. But even when, deep down, I know that a relationship will be formed, it will cause still drastic changes in my life. Maybe not right off the bat, but over a few weeks, months, or even years; there is a reason why we are friends. There is something that I am supposed to learn from you. God causes our paths to cross, and when that happens I recommend this is when you begin to ponder. I did, and I ended up with some of the best friends a girl could ask for.

Changing your job, or changing your underwear. Well again let me stress that these two don't have much to do with each other, other than the fact that they are both very important to having a successful life. Changing your job, your major, your goals, your career path... this is something that has always caused me alot of stress and anxiety. I don't want to sound like some kind of expert on any of this change crap, because by all means I am not... not one bit. But to get through everything in the past 6 months I have realized that I need to do what makes me happy. I need to do what clicks. I need to look through all the doorways that God opens up for me. My dad might not be happy that I have taken a certain job, my friend may not think its a promising career, my family may think its all about the money.... but who cares. Who cares what people think. I have a great friend who feels like she needs to go to Austrailia to live for a few months, with a little less than a plan and a one way ticket. 95% of her loved ones think she's crazy, but if this is what clicks for her.... then good for her! She is taking that chance, going half way around the world, and she is going to live it up. Sometimes it seems to me that everyone (including myself) is so up in other people's business that they forget about their own. (Eh, thats just a random loaded comment, please ignore it.) Anyway, do what makes you happy. If it makes you happy for a month, do it for a month. If it makes you happy for a year, do it for a year. If you wake up one day and realize this isn't what you should be doing, take some time, ponder, and start looking at the hallway God has you standing in. Some doors are wide open and some are locked shut. You've got to figure out which one has your name on it. Changing your underwear.... a minor change in your everyday life, but one of the most important changes we make. I don't really know where I was going with this comment, I actually just put it because I thought it sounded funny. You know how you can wear a pair of jeans several times before changing them (and if you have traveled around europe with a backpack you know you can go a couple of weeks... yeah, ew, gross, i know.) Anyway, you have to change your clothes. There's no question in that point. But certain things change at certain times. Everything changes in life. Embrace the things that are in constant change (the underwear you have with the days of the week on them), and be aware of the big change that will happen once in a blue moon (yep, your jeans finally smell bad, its time to do laundry).

It was Job in the Old Testament who had everything taken away from him... All of his friends came along and told him to lose faith in God, even his wife basically told him to give it up, but Job stayed a faithful believer. God didn't promise us the security of our possessions, but He did promise us His love. When everything is changing, when you think that you haven't lived up your childhood or college or adulthood dreams, take a sec and look at what you have done and what it means to you. I've had to realize that I may not be the person I expected I would be. There's a reason why certain people have entered my life. There's a reason why certain people have burned me in the past. Everything happens for a reason, it may be a reason that I don't understand at all, but someone bigger than me does, and He planned it that way. And that my friend is all that matters.


I hope you had the time of your life

Something unpredictable but in the end its right... I hope you had the time of your life.I cannot believe I am a college graduate! The question that strikes me at this point in my life is... now what? There are no immediate exams for me to pass. No curriculum that needs to be fulfilled. I am so blessed to have a home to move back into and a family that is... sorta glad to have me back. I have an apartment lined up and a roomie to share it with. I have a job and the benefits that go along with that. So what can I be complaining about? I loved jmu. I will miss the smiling faces. I will miss people waiting for 2 minutes just to hold the door for the next person who walks in. I will miss the brown cookies (i'm not gonna lie... they were the end of the southbeach diet). I'm will miss sitting on the quad in the sunshine. I will miss the Duke Dog. I will miss 5 o'clock and the tune that plays from Wilson Hall. I'm will miss the random tight rope walkers and the guys trying to pick up girls by bringing their dogs to campus. I'm will miss Cru and all the amazing christian people who hung out every thursday night. I'm will miss the sun rising above the blue ridge mountains every morning. I probably will not miss the dog food smell. I will miss monday nights with my Bauer-loving friends at Chris, Chris Wilson's house. I'm going to miss my "old friends" in Bridgewater. I'm going to miss the random moments (aka stalking professors husbands) of SnL Consulting. I'm going to miss being manipulated by a certain friend. I'm going to miss being called "the boozinator" (not for the obvious reasons). I'm going to miss my roomies (aka my b cups, my golden girls).But ya know, God has a plan for me. He's not going to leave me hanging. The next few months may be tough... I may be single and I may only have my family to hang out with... but I'm not totally alone. He's got my back... and thats all I really need.


Chase that rock down the ice!!

As I was getting to the punch line of my not-so-funny story the other day over lunch, I simply said "Yes, I watched curling on tv for 2 hours the other morning!" At this very moment, my mom had one of those moments where you laugh and you do not know what to do because your mouth is full of sandwich... Rather than choking and not laughing, she decided it would be best to spray her chewed up sandwich all over the table! As usual, I was confused. What in the world could have been so funny that caused her to spray food all over everything and everyone?? Did someone trip and fall? Did she think of a funny joke someone told her the other day? What could it be??

After she composed herself, she informed me that the night before, when she was flipping through the channels she noticed curling on television and thought to herself, who on earth would sit and watch this?! Oh man she doesn't know me all that well I suppose.

Many have asked why? To that, I am not sure that I have an answer... I mean, after I sorta figured the game out, I had to see who would win. Several days later, I am still tuning in every morning to see the latest. But here is what I learned this morning: Apparently there 12.9 Million hits on the US Olympic Curling Team website in one day this past week. That right there says something!! (possibly that I am not the only loser in the USA) THEN- On NBC Nightly News they had a quick segment about it (I will put the link at the bottom of this blog)- but basically, President George W. Bush watches Curling also. Now for those of you non-bush fans, I don't want to hear anything. But for those of you who like him, I want you to see how awesome it is that I am watching the same thing as the President of the United States is watching!! (I wonder if he watches 24 also?!?!)

Anyway, I just wanted to stress to those of you who don't appreciate this random game as much as I do, that it can be kinda cool. I mean, there must be some serious strategy to it. If anything, its gotta be kinda cool to learn how to walk with one slippy shoe and one grippy shoe! Seriously, the skill it must take those people to scurry down the ice chasing a stone with a sweeper in their hand... man. haha

Okay- to finish off- go to this link and skip ahead to the 16 minute mark. There is about a minute and a half about curling, including one of the most amazing european commercials! Enjoy! http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?f=00&t=m5&p=angietest&g=db3e343d-51e6-468d-9ba9-520fe0aa38bd


Random Questions to ask God:

1. What is the purpose of the skunk?
2. Did O.J. really do it?
3. Why to men have nipples?
4. Why is the sky blue... and not green?
5. Does Jesus really have long hair?
6. Can you send me an email one day?
7. What's your screen name?
8. Can I be the skunk tamer in heaven? No... not really.
9. Does Satan really have a tail? How 'bout those horns?
10. Why is Virginia for Lovers?
11. What's your favorite hymn?
12. Contemporary or Traditional?
13. How many hairs exactly are on my head?
14. Pat Robertson...?
15. Coke or Pepsi?


I fell in love

We all know that I am the kinda girl who likes to say she lives on the edge... but really... I don't like change all that much so why mix things up and try something new?! Well by golly was I proven wrong recently.

A few weeks ago I was in line at Java City (for those of you who are unaware of this amazing JMU coffee company let me just say that I think alot of their stuff is better than Starbucks). Anyway, I was in line at Java City and was waiting to get my usual tea or hot chocolate when I decided to "live on the edge"... no I wasn't about to go skydiving or go chat it up the dreamy christian boy a few feet away... I was going to get a drink I had never had before. See, first let me explain the reason why I do not like to try new beverages from coffee stands such as this one in festival. THEY COST $3.50! Yeah, you may think I am a cheap skate, but I am not going to buy a drink that has such a fancy name, that I can barely say, might not like, and waste almost four dollars!! (as the new wendy's commercial says... thats four junior bacon cheeseburgers!!)

It was a thursday, one of my favorite days of the week. There was a line of people waiting to order. I felt the pressure of the people behind me as they were staring at me to make my decision. I rambled a little with my roommate (the innocent, slightly confused and annoyed, bystander) then I blurted out "I would like a medium Caramel Macchiato please!" For a second there I was in shock. That was no hot chocolate I just ordered. And it wasn't even a small! It was a medium!! I proceded to stand there and wait with a smile, as I explained to my roommate and sophomore year suitie that I never order anything like that. :P

The drink finally came. I took one sip.... drumroll please.... oh man I fell hard. I am truly in love with Caramel Macchiatos now. Not only because they are delectible... but because they are amazingly fun to say. Caramel Macchiato. ooooo wasnt that fun??

If you haven't figured it out yet, the moral of this story is to "live on the edge!" or you will truly miss out on the little joys of life. Whether is coffee, trying a new flavor of toothpaste, or even mixing it up and trying a new type of trashbag! You will live, you will learn, and you will know what you want to buy next time!! I am pretty darn positive though that my life will be just a tad more exciting now that I have learned to love Caramel Macchiatos. The question is, will I try another new drink since I hit it off with this one oh so well????

A little footnote here: In several of the previous paragraphs I discuss how I am not one to "live it up" however, please know that is only when it comes to trying new drinks and things. I am the girl who has no hesistation when it comes to trying extreme activities. Remember the summer before college... the concussion I got...?? Yeah... there's your proof... (your proof that I am a "risk taker" or an idiot... you pick... just remember if you hit the water going 40 mph... it will knock some sense out of ya!)


J-M-U Cruuuuuuu

Today is not only ground hog day, but it is Thursday. Thursday means several things here at JMU. Sadly, to most of the student population it means the weekend has officially started and it is time to get wasted. Wooooo. But to about 350 (a rough estimate....) students, Thursday is about one thing. Cru. So far in my life I have yet to find such a lively group of people, who gather together everything Thursday evening (whether it is raining or not- a reference to freshman year, when it rained every thursday!) to praise God with such enthuasism and passion. It is simply impossible to leave Cru without a tune in your head, a smile on your face, and love in your heart.

Now lets take another little trip down memory lane. My first invite to this truly lovely madness was from my awesome friend who we like to call "Rock" (because "Who Rocks?!") when she told me... "Come! We sing fun camp songs! And there is a dreamy keyboard guy!" Oh man, who can say no to that combo?? Seriously. Does anyone remember the emcee we had for freshman and sophomore year? Man... every week now when they go into the mission of cru (win build or send lost students into christ centered laborers) the only thing I can think of is "Wibuse"... just once I would LOVE for matt to bust out "Wibuse" or the good old hand signals Will would use... ya know where at the end you would say "Send. Who-aaaaa"..... Fun times. Oh Freshman year, I was hooked... however I won't lie, I wasn't the biggest fan of sitting on the floor. No Offense.

Skip forward several years, a few months, and a couple days later, and it is ground hog day, 2006. (today... yeah you are catching on now...) Its 545pm. I just got out of an exam, and I am exhausted. I walked into that ballroom not really feeling the whole thing, but once the music kicked in I completely forgot about that random idea of wanting to be anywhere else in the world at that very moment. The only thing going through my mind was how blessed I am, to be surrounded by such godly people on a college campus when alot of times these people are so hard to find. We sang songs of praise, and thanked God for his love.

Honestly, my favorite part of cru (other than Jesus) has to be the music. This year we have an amazing band... (by the way, we took a vote... they need to make a cd for all of us who will be graduating..... ya know.... so every Thursday I can play it a pretend I am back at JMU). Tonight, the last song that we sang was "Sing to the King". This is an amazing song with incredible lyrics.... but the best part about it, was looking around the room and seeing people singing to the Lord, and cheering when the verse "Satan has vanquished and Jesus is King!" was sung. Gotta love it..... Oh man. It just makes me smile.

Sing to the King, Who is coming to reign
Glory to Jesus, the Lamb that was slain
Life and salvation His empire shall bring
And joy to the nations when Jesus is King
Come, let us sing a song
A song declaring that we belong to Jesus
He is all we need
Lift up a heart of praise
Sing now with voices raised to Jesus
Sing to the King
For His returning we watch and we pray
We will be ready the dawn of that day
We'll join in singing with all the redeemed
'Cause Satan is vanquished and my Jesus is King

Smorgasbord... what a silly word. (this blog is lame)

Wow, it has been awhile since my last blogging experience. I guess I just have not had too much motivation lately, or maybe its just been that I have simply been too busy to write. Either way, I am back, for now.

Where have I been you might ask? Well...

I got to go on a tour of the landfill, and the place where all the trash gets burned here at jmu. That was pretty interesting. The moral of that afternoon (other than to be thankful for the type of person I am... my roommates have heard the venting sessions, and poor lauren had first hand experience with that one) anyway, the moral of that day was a simple one. You might think it is Recycle. Good try, but no. You might think it is not to be a glutton, good try, but thats not my moral, thats the Bible's. You might just try some completely random moral, and go with: don't go dumpster diving unless it is for Wendy's cups; and you would be right! Oh man.... after seeing that trash, the only way I would jump into that landfill was if there was a free flight involved.

I attended the Senior Gala with my lovely roomies last friday. It was not completely the time of my life but it was fun. It really hit me that I am going to be graduating soon. How sad is that? I mean, it is pretty darn exciting, but it is also pretty sad that I will not be at one of the greatest places in the world every day. I will no longer be living with my crazy roommates. I will no longer be able to open up my front door and see one of the most amazing mountain views offered in the Shenandoah Valley. Oh man, how I will miss JMU. But Oh man, will I be living up every moment of the next three months.

My family came to visit this past week. That was fun. We all spent sometime enjoying time (and might I add free meals) together at Massanutten. MMmmm Gotta love free food, and fun times in the "snow." We had our final blow-out at Massanutten, involving the usual Narnie Spaghetti (the most amazing spaghetti in the entire world), guestures (christen's "clinch" was taken out this year with leslie's version of "wrinkles"), snow tubing (i know owe Steven a smoothie next time I am back in town.... man ya gotta love gambling with under aged people...), and skiing (there is just something absolutely adorable about little kids (like 4-6 year olds) on snow skis!!). It was quite a weekend, and it really made me think alot about how it was the last time we would probably do that... this was the fourth year in a row that my fam and jmu gang have united there at massanutten..... crazy how time flies by.

Sorry for this smorgasbord of topics... but I have one more topics I wanted to talk about, but I think I will have to break a rule and simply type it on a separate blog.... yeah I know, two blogs in one day.... actually two blogs in one hour, but oh boy I have alot of catching up to do!


Number One Fan!!

Think about it for a couple of seconds. When you watch a television show how many tv days take place in thirty minutes to one hour of your life? Usually several. Probably because the characters are no where near cool enough that as a viewer, you could, or for that sake would want to follow them around in "real time." For example, Rory Gilmore, I love her to death, but when I am not watching... she has to do some kind of studying, I mean for crying out loud, the girl goes to Yale. I go to JMU and I study more than she even references studying.

However. Brace yourself my friend. There is a show that allows you to follow the main character all day long. Which tells you something about this main character... he must be cool. And oh boy, he is.

"24" has to be one of the greatest shows ever. After watching the season five premiere, I have been reminded of Jack Bauer's off-the-charts coolness level. He defies death more than anyone I have ever seen. He can get out of any jam the terrorists throw his way. He is L.A.'s super hero like Batman was in Gotham. With or without his famous Bauer sunglasses, he is unstoppable. Loyal to his friends, and always caring about the well being of our nation, it would be an understatement to say that Jack Bauer is anything less than "The Man."

Now on a slight tangent... think about the concept of the show. We follow Jack Bauer around for 24 hours.... 24 hours! Imagine if someone was following you around for 24 hours. What would they think? I mean, I do not know if any of us can compare to Jack in the coolness factor, however I surely hope that we are not "wacking" as many people (or any people!) in one day (or ever!) as Jack does! Would you be embarrased if someone was watching you for 24 hours? What would they see? Someone who truely loves their friends and family? Someone who helps the lil old lady across the street? Someone who is patient? Someone who sings at the top of their lungs as they are driving down the road? Someone who has a genuine character? You would only have 24 hours to show the viewer who you really are. I am sitting here thinking, man... I think I am a pretty cool person, but who in their right mind would be such a fan of mine that they would want to watch me for 24 hours?!

God is watching... 24/7. Wow. What a thought. He is a pretty big fan of me... and I am a huge fan of Him. And He's got nothin on Jack.


Deciding on a Company Name has never been this fun...

JMUBenji611: yep. i am going to read and sleep. haha
jmu angel kisses: sounds like anohter good plan
JMUBenji611: it will be like a power nap tonight...
JMUBenji611: only a few hours of sleep.
jmu angel kisses: HAHA
jmu angel kisses: i am afraid of being up that early
jmu angel kisses: it cant be healthy
JMUBenji611: a 6 should not be on the clock for the morning
jmu angel kisses: neer
jmu angel kisses: never
JMUBenji611: 6 should only exsist for dinner
jmu angel kisses: only roosters exist at that time
JMUBenji611: hahaha
jmu angel kisses: well God bless us and our work ethic is all im saying
jmu angel kisses: hahahaha
JMUBenji611: and God bless that rooster!
jmu angel kisses: aaaaaaaaamen
JMUBenji611: haha
jmu angel kisses: maybe our team name should be
JMUBenji611: i think i will make this my away message
JMUBenji611: rooster
jmu angel kisses: Rooster Inc.
JMUBenji611: haha
jmu angel kisses: hahaha
JMUBenji611: up before the sun.
jmu angel kisses: or Doodle Doo
jmu angel kisses: haha
jmu angel kisses: Dawn Consulting
JMUBenji611: OOOO
JMUBenji611: hahah
JMUBenji611: "Up before you are" Consulting
JMUBenji611: SnL. We are up before you are.
jmu angel kisses: "Because we work the same hours as the sun"
JMUBenji611: hahaha
jmu angel kisses: haha exactly
jmu angel kisses: oh my
JMUBenji611: SnL. We wake the Rooster up.
jmu angel kisses: HAHAHA
JMUBenji611: ooooh man
jmu angel kisses: "and then we reduce, reuse, and recycle it."
JMUBenji611: recycling is our number one concern... before you even think about waking up.
jmu angel kisses: hahahahaha
jmu angel kisses: sleep is for the weak. SnL is for the strong. Be strong with us.
JMUBenji611: hahahahahahaha
jmu angel kisses: How are you powerful? With SnL
JMUBenji611: hahahaha
JMUBenji611: i wish this was just our project
jmu angel kisses: haha slogans?
JMUBenji611: yes.
jmu angel kisses: could this coversation be in our portfolio?
jmu angel kisses: save this bad boy.
JMUBenji611: um i was just considering making it a blog
JMUBenji611: hahaha
jmu angel kisses: i say we make a portfolio whether we are told to or not
jmu angel kisses: haha very nice
jmu angel kisses: i will read it to hte rooster
JMUBenji611: bc we are the portfolio masters
JMUBenji611: and the donkey you want to sit on
jmu angel kisses: hahahaha
jmu angel kisses: SnL. We bring the farm.
jmu angel kisses: And your husbands.
jmu angel kisses: hahaha
jmu angel kisses: AHAHA
JMUBenji611: ooo man
JMUBenji611: do you remember when you said it was quite a luxury for me that i do not have to change my alarm clock this semester?
JMUBenji611: tomorrow... i have to. boooo
jmu angel kisses: HAHA
jmu angel kisses: SnL. We change our alarm clock for you.
JMUBenji611: that is GREAT
jmu angel kisses: SnL. We're not just Saturday night.
JMUBenji611: we are thursday morning.


Minty Fresh!

We all have a mental list (or maybe even one that is written out) of what makes you happy. A list of things that bring pure, simple, clean joy to your heart and soul. The catch to this list is that most of these things only make you happy, and others may look at you funny if you ever told them what is on your list. But bet your bottom dollar I am going to let you in on my secret list...

Hm let me think, pure joy... I love seeing little kids laughing uncontrollably. I love popcorn. I love my dog (she brings pure joy - or horror - to anyone that she smiles at!). I love seeing the sunset. I love watching the ocean. I absolutely love stepping out of my apartment here in Harrisonburg and just taking in the mountain view. "I love lamp" (name that movie...). I love to travel. I love watching people travel. I love the idea of just taking off one day and driving and seeing the world (or as far as a tank of gas would get me...) I love adventures, the thought of them simply excites me and make me smile. And I love those little things that I run into during the day that make me happy... for example, (the point of this blog)...

In my stocking this year I got a two pack of toothbrushes. Now, these are not the usual toothbrushes that I normally buy, however Santa does not shop with me, so I forgave him, only later I was thanking him. Today I opened up these brushes and noticed that they are an extreme form, highly developed toothbrushes. Aquafresh has outdone themselves with this brush. Not only are these brushes fun colors (blue and purple... i guess they are not all that fun, but hey...) anyway, these brushes have the bristles going in different angles AND the top of the brush head MOVES!! And when I say "moves" I mean it is flexible so that it can reach, clean, and even sparkle those hard to reach teeth! Now, I usually do not get this excited about a toothbrush, but today... I found myself getting excited about brushing my teeth tonight! And now that I am all brushed up tonight and ready to bed with a minty fresh mouth I can barely stand the anticipation for tomorrows brushing!!

I have to hit the sack now... the quicker I fall asleep, the quicker I can brush my teeth again!

Please note... I am 21 years old and I have never ever had a cavity. Knock on wood. Go brush your teeth!!


You know you are getting older when...

...you stay in on a friday night, only to find yourself playing Scrabble with your parents... and losing.

...the ball drops in NYC, you shout "Happy 2006!" and the first thought that comes to your mind is "Oh crap! I graduate from college in 2006!"

...you read the newspaper in the morning, and not just the comics.

...you go to the nearest starbucks everyother night because you just don't fit in anymore at the skating rink.

...you begin to think about you future... i.e. rent, careers, health insurance... all in all, your budget... and the anxiety attacks lessen.

...you get asked "so what are you going to do in six months after graduation?" every day.

...you enjoy wine.

...you get together with highschool friends and all you can do is talk about who is engaged, pregnant, married, or already divorced.

...you have been a bridesmaid.

...you do not want to date someone just to date them. You have to get serious at this point in your life... or so you think.

...you buy a grill.

...you make your little sister pimp your myspace page and learn that no one really likes your favorite music anymore. (Sorry Hootie)

...you stop using facebook/myspace.

...the age of your friends does not matter anymore. They could be 8 years younger or 8 years older.

...the only guys that say you are "stunning" are fifteen, or they are related to you... or better yet, they are both.

...you have friends living all over the world.

...you believe that the Disney Channel has changed their target market.

..."checking someone out" doesn't mean, looking them over to see how attractive he is, but it refers to looking to see if he is wearing a wedding ring.

**All, some, or none of the above might apply to you, me, or all of us**