I love to travel. There is just some kind of high that I get out of the stress of running to make a flight, or simply sitting in the airport people watching. I enjoy watching random people bustling though the airport, thinking where is he going? where has she been? what is their story? I wonder if anyone saw me sprinting through Newark, proudly wearing my purple JMU sweatshirt, pulling a wheely suitcase as my backpack bounced up and down, and thought to themselves where is she headed in such a hurry?! I loved it when the man yelled "Don't worry you will make it!" to me as I was hustling past gate C4 trying to make it to a gate 100 miles away (only 10 miles if you take the moving sidewalks though). It was nice to hear someone cheering me on. I love looking at how differently everyone handles traveling, and how different everyone is. The business folks, the families (usually a mom, a dad, a 6 year old, a 3 year old, and two large mickey and minnie stuffed animals), the backpackers with their ipods, the people riding that john-deere-gator-like thing through the middle of the walkway as the driver beeps the lame sounding horn, the 30-ish year olds sitting infront of the aiport coffee shop casually sipping on a drink with a fancy name as they read a newspaper, or those 50 year old men sitting at the bar watching whatever sport is on tv at that time. Everyone deals with the stress or the joy of traveling in their own way. Personally, I like to sit at my assigned gate, taking up three seats, one for my almost worn out backpack, one for me in the middle, and my "personal item" (aka other carry on) at my other side. From that seat I can observe almost everything. As I sat in several airports this past saturday I found myself not only watching the travelers, but the airline employees. Its kinda like watching that show Airline, but for real! In Dullas I overheard the elderly black man talk on his phone about the latest crisis: a flight coming in from San Juan where a guy in his thirties had a little too much to drink and started causing a ruckus. Apparently no one at his arriving gate spoke enough spanish to calm the man down. In Newark, I observed the italian, continental employee with his walky talky, no wedding ring, and strong new york accent, as he flirted with the other continental employee. I wonder what his life is like, definetly being so different from mine. I wonder if he lives in the city. I wonder how September 11th affected him. I wonder if he likes the yankees or the mets. Kinda dumb thoughts, this I know, but it is fun. You should give it a shot sometime.